Like most people we’re busy moving ourselves over to Azure, and like a lot of people (even though they won’t admit it) we’ve got years of data stashed away in CSV files. Go on, own up there’s years worth of department membership stashed away in a HR csv folder somewhere in your organisation 😉
To get some of this data usable for reporting we’re importing it into Azure SQL Database so people can start working their way through it, and we can fix up errors before we push it through into Azure Data Lake for mining. Being a fan of dbatools it was my first port of call for automating something like this.
Just to make life interesting, I want to add a time of creation field to the data to make tracking trends easier. As this information doesn’t actually exist in the CSV columns, I’m going to use LastWriteTime
as a proxy for the creationtime.
$Files = Get-ChildItem \\server\HR\HandSTraining\Archive -Filter *.Csv $SqlCredential = Get-Credential ForEach ($File in $Files | Where-Object {$_.Length -gt 0}) { $InputObject = ConvertFrom-Csv -InputObject (Get-Content $File.fullname -raw) -Header UserName, StatusName $InputObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $File.LastWriteTime -Name DateAdded $DataTable = $InputObject | Out-DbaDataTable Write-DbaDataTable -SqlInstance -Database PreventPBI -Table Training -InputObject $DataTable -Schema dbo -SqlCredential $SqlCredential -RegularUser Remove-Variable InputObject }
Working our way through that, we have:
$Files = Gci \\server\HR\HandSTraining\Archive -Filter *.Csv $SqlCredential = Get-Credential
Setup the basics we’re going to need throughout. Grab all the csv files off of our network share. I prefer grabbing credentials with Get-Credential, but if you’d prefer to embed them in the script you can use:
We then ForEach
through all the files, having filterer out the empty ones
$InputObject = ConvertFrom-Csv -InputObject (Get-Content $File.fullname -raw) -Header UserName, StatusName $InputObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $File.LastWriteTime -Name DateAdded
Load the file contents into a object with ConverTo-Csv
. These csv files don’t contain a header row so I’m use the -Header
parameter to force them in. This also helps with Write-DbaDataTable
as I can ensure that the object names match with the Sql column names for the upload
Then we add a new property to our Input Object. Doing it this way we add it to every ‘row’ in the object at once. If you want to add multiple new properties just keep doing this for each one.
$DataTable = $InputObject | Out-DbaDataTable Write-DbaDataTable -SqlInstance -Database HealthAndSafety -Table Training -InputObject $DataTable -Schema dbo -SqlCredential $SqlCredential -RegularUser
Convert our InputObject into a datatable, which is the format Write-DbaDataTable needs for input.
And then the command that does the loading, Write-DbaDataTable. There are only things here that you have to do differently for loading to an Azure SQL database as opposed to a normal SQL Server instance. For Azure SQL Databases you have to use a SQL Credential as the underlying dlls don’t work (yet) with the various Integrate Authentication options. You need to use the RegularUser
switch. Normally dbatools will assume you have sysadmin rights on your SQL Server instance as they are needed for many of the tasks. In an Azure SQL Database you can’t have those rights as they don’t exists, so without Regular user you’ll get a nice error message. Just something to look out for, I’ve tripped myself up in the past when repointing load scripts.
Then we drop InputObject and go round the loop again until we’re finished.
Easy and very quick, and now I can just point PowerBI at it and let the users and analysts work out what they want to do with it.
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