I’ve recently had to create a lot of new service accounts to support some new infrastructure projects. As these are supporting a lot of web services, there’s been a large number of service accounts that needed creating to own all the app pools.

To make life simpler when this moves from implementation to support, all of these accounts want to be setup the same way. And we want secure passwords as well.

And then those accounts also need to be setup for each of our prod, stage, dev, test environments.

So, a dull, repetitive task where making sure details are replicated exactly, this sounds like the perfect job to automate with some PowerShell.

[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile('C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\system.web.dll') | out-null

function New-Password ($length = 12)
        $p = [System.Web.Security.Membership]::GeneratePassword($length,2)
        $password = $p | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
        $retpass = @{"string"=$p; "secstring"=$password}
        return $retpass

$environments = @()

$environments += @{"env"="prod";
                   "adpath"= "ou=Prod Accounts, ou=Service Accounts, ou=Domain Controllers, dc=ad, dc=contoso,dc=com,";

$environments += @{"env"="test";
                    "adpath"= "ou=Test Accounts, ou=Service Accounts, ou=Domain Controllers, dc=ad, dc=contoso,dc=com,";

$environments += @{"env"="dev";
                    "adpath"= "ou=Dev Accounts, ou=Service Accounts, ou=Domain Controllers, dc=ad, dc=contoso,dc=com,";

$Users = import-csv -path "c:\temp\users.csv"

$output = @()

foreach ($environment in $environments){
    $out += "`n "+$environment.env + "`n"
    foreach ($user in $Users){
        $password = New-Password( 15)
        $username = $environment.prefix+$user.user.trim()
        Aew-ADuser $username -Path $environment.adpath -AccountPassword $password.secstring -DisplayName $username -PasswordNeverExpires $true -ChangePasswordAtLogon $false -CannotChangePassword $true -Enabled $true
        Add-ADGroupMember $identgroup -Members $username
        Add-ADGroupMember $rogroup -Members $username
        $output += @{"username"=$username; "password"=$password.string;"Environment"=$environment.env

First off, we’ll want to be creating secure complex passwords. Rather than rewrite everything from scratch, we’ll use the built in function from the .Net System.Web class, which we load in the first line.

Then we’ll wrap this call in a PowerShell function to make calling things easier:

function New-Password ($length = 12)
        $p = [System.Web.Security.Membership]::GeneratePassword($length,2)
        $password = $p | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
        $retpass = @{"string"=$p; "secstring"=$password}
        return $retpass

We pass in a length parameter for later use, but set a default to guarantee at least 12 characters. Then we create a new password of required length, the 2nd paramater to GeneratePassword specifies the minimum number of special characters (@!# etc) that the password has to contain. GeneratePassword returns the password as a string, but we need it to be a SecureString to pass to an Active Directory cmdlet later on, so we convert it. Then return the password both as a string and a secure string via a Hash Table.

Now we setup our environments we’ll be creating our accounts for. I like to do this using arrarys and hashtables. We have an array/object $Environments which holds the details of all of the environments we want to create. For my needs, each environment is defined as follows:

$environments += @{"env"="dev";
                    "adpath"= "ou=Dev Accounts, ou=Service Accounts, ou=Domain Controllers, dc=ad, dc=contoso,dc=com,";

The values in the hash table are:

  • The environment Name
  • The prefix for the usernames for this environment
  • The path in Active Directory for the OU the user account should be created in
  • An group for all the accounts in this environment to belong to
  • Another group for all the accounts in this environment to belong to

This is based on the AD setup I’m currently working with, your needs may be different, if you’re not the Active Directory admin then please go talk to them about how they’d like things configured

Now that we’ve got everything setup, let’s create some accounts!

I load the usernames from a csv file that looks like this:


The first line stays at user, so that we can use it to get the values later on.

Create an array $output to hold our output.

Now we loop through each of our environments, and then for each environment we loop through out list of users.

For each user:

  • we create a new secure password using our previously defined function.
  • Build a full username using the supplied username and the appropriate prefix for the environment
  • Create the user in Active Directory based on our environment
  • Add them to any groups we want them in
  • Add the newly created users details to our output object

And we’re done. In the great tradition of PowerShell I’ve kept the user details in an object $output so they can easily be passed along to another script, command or whatever you want.

If you want to just dump them to screen, then you can use:

$output | Format-Table 

Or redirect the object to you secure password storage utility of choice.

And another dull repetitive task is handed off to a simple script.