Musings of a Data professional

Stuart Moore

Month: July 2016

SQL Relay Nottingham 2016

SQL Relay logp

After a great time last year, we’re bring SQL Relay back to Nottingham on October 6th 2016.

We will have 3 tracks covering SQL Server, BI, and Analytics. There’ll be 3 tracks of 1hr sessions, plus a workshop track with half day sessions.

We’ll be covering a wide range of topics such as SQL Server performance, management, and development, Azure/Cloud technology, R, big data, cubes, reporting and dashboarding. These topics will be covered at a variety of levels so there’s something to suit everyone whether an accidental DBA, a hotshot BI pro, or a jack of all trades.

All of this for the princely sum of 0p! We’ll even provide lunch. You won’t get a better SQL Server training off in Nottingham in 2016

Speaker submissions are open if you want to speak. Closing date is 19th August

The timetable for the day should be out shortly after that.

Register to attend or speak here – Nottingham SQLRelay Registration

Deleting Large amounts of data in SQL Server – Part 2

In the last part (Part 1) we looked at a reasonably generic script for deleting large amounts of data from SQL Server that helps when you issue a delete statement and SQL Server just sits there with your transaction logs filling up and refusing to clear out.

This time, we’re going to look at how to deal with that wonderful error message of:

Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 1
The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK__address__personi__239E4DCF". The conflict occurred in database "dbgrow", table "dbo.address", column 'personid'.
The statement has been terminated.

Which is SQL Server’s way of letting you know that the data you’re trying to delete is referenced as part of a Foreign Key relationship, so can’t be deleted unless you delete the record on the other end of the relationship.

So how do you work around this?

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