Musings of a Data professional

Stuart Moore

Month: August 2017

SQL Relay Nottingham 2017

SQL Relay logo Once again I’ve very happy to announce that the travelling SQL Server conference SQL Relay will be visiting Nottingham again on Tuesday 10th October 2017. We’ll once again be offering a whole day of free training around the Microsoft Data Platform covering topics like

  • SQL Server
  • Azure
  • Machine learning
  • Data Science
  • Azure Data Lake
  • PowerBI

and much more. Our last visits to Nottingham have gone down very well with great feedback from attendees.

For more information on sessions, and to register for this free event (we even provide lunch) please head here – Nottingham SQL Relay registration

And if you’re based in Nottingham and interested in SQL Server, then you may want to checkout out the Nottingham SQL Server user group as well, we’d love to welcome you along to future meetings –

A new addition to UK events – PSDay UK

The UK has a great range of techie events these days, but it’s always good to see another one starting up. PSDay.Uk is the first in an international one day PowerShell events.

The idea is to provide a local set of events that complement the 3 big international PowerShell conferences (, PsConf.Asia and PowerShell Global Summit). This makes it easier for local attendees to get to events (no airfare, possibly no hotels, much easier to get agreement from employers), gives an opportunity for local speakers, but also provides a framework to let the organisers tap into the International speakers.

My good friend Rob has written more on the idea and formation on the organising body of which he’s a member over on his blog here – What’s a PSDay

The initial UK event is happening on Friday 22nd September 2017 at CodeSkills in London. Full details and tickets are available on the website – and more information is available on Twitter (@PSDayUK) and Facebook

I’m completely chuffed at being picked to speak at this event as well. I’ll be presenting a new session titled “DevOps by the back door, via the Helpdesk”, where I’ll be sharing examples and ideas of how you can start your DevOps journey with small bite sized actions which will start to show your employer (and colleagues) that this stuff really does work.

Hope to see lots of people there. This sounds like a great project, so make sure you can say you were at the first one in years to come!

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