PowerShellInterested in any form of PowerShell usage and based around the East Midlands and Nottingham? Then this could be the group for you. We’re looking to cover anything that uses (or can be used with) PowerShell. So topics that are fair game include:

  • AD Management
  • Scripting
  • Source Control
  • DevOps
  • Azure/AWS/Cloud Provider of your choice
  • Exchange management
  • SQL Server
  • Pester testing
  • Continuous Integration
  • .Net Internals
  • Generally anything that would interest someone using PowerShell or give their career a boost!

Nothing is set in stone yet as we want to get some feedback from potential members. There’s a date booked for the 8th Febuary (Kick Off meeting), but what happens is up to you.

Would you prefer a traditional usergroup with booked speakers given presentations in a formal setting, or something more informal like a roundtable/whiteboard sessions? Or perhaps half and half?

We’d love to know what you’d like to see or learn. So please either drop a comment below or sign up for the Kick Off Meeting and give us feedback on Meetup.