It’s the start of a new year, so time to look at the things I’ve got coming up:
Just started booking things in for 2019, but already got a couple of things booked in that I’m really looking forward to:
SQLBits 2019
I’ve been going to SqlBits for years, and this year I’ve been lucky enough to be picked to speak. I’ll be presenting my session ‘Slack for the DBA’, about why and how you can use ChatOps techniques in your day to day database support to speed things up.
Not sure which day I’ll be speaking on, but I’ll be there for Friday and Saturday if you want to say hi. Hopefully there for the traditional 5k SQL Run on the Friday morning as well
SQL Saturday Iceland
As I’ll be passing over on the way to the next event I thought it’d be rude not to stop off for this as well. Plus an excuse to finally visit Iceland
MVP Global Summit
The yearly gathering of Microsoft MVPs. Really looking forward to this. Meeting other MVPs, getting to talk to the MS product teams, and getting some in depth information.
Just starting to look at other events, and going to be booking in some Usergroup speaking slots as well. So if you’re looking for a Data Platform or PowerShell speaker for you user group then please get in touch
Nottingham SQL Server User Group
The Nottingham SQL Server User group is back for its bi-monthly meetings in 2019. The dates for 2019 are:
All the dates link to the individual meetup events where you can find more details on that evenings happenings. We’re picking up some quality speakers and topics for 2019. We welcome anyone who works with the MS Data Platform from beginner to expert, and we’re keen to hear from all speakers from first timers to those who’ve been around the international block 😉
Nottingham PowerShell Usergoup
And the Nottingham PowerShell Usergroup is back for 6 meetings in 2019 as well. This will be our second year hosting these event, and we’ve gradually built up a strong core audience, but we’d love to meet more PowerShell people. As normal we’ll be covering a wide range of topics that will appeal to all sorts of PowerShell users. The dates for 2019 are below, each being a link to the meetup for that date:
Again it’d be great to hear from you if you’d like to speak. Any PowerShell topic is more than welcome, and I’m more than happy to help you work on any ideas you have and get you started with your speaking career
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